Friday, July 13, 2012

Bomb Threat Thursday aka the time I accidentally told customs I wascarrying heavy weaponry

So the exchange adventure begins.

After a soppy goodbye to my parents and brother, I meandered down to customs. Now, because I am a neurotic type-A personality, I have an incessant need to pass every test, which often makes me quite nervous in perfectly ordinary, non- threatening situations. For
example, I get a nervous rush whenever someone asks to check my bags when I leave shops, when a ticket inspector wants to look at my Go Card or I get pulled over for an RBT.

Customs is like the biggest non-test there is, so naturally I was as jumpy as a drug mule at a Beagle convention. That's probably why they took it pretty seriously when the following transaction occurred:

Customs Lady: Please take any laptops out of their case and put them into the tray
Me: Sure, also, I have an SLR in here, do I need to take it out?
Customs Lady: You have a self loading rifle in your carry on luggage?
Me: *laughs nervously* errr.... No?
Customs Lady: Please step away from the bag.

An explosive trace search, thorough frisking and bag search later, I made it onto the plane.


  1. That awkward moment when "whoop LOL" doesn't cover it

  2. That's brilliant - maybe next time add the word 'camera' - I have an SLR 'camera' in my hand luggage!
