Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Film Friday

This month has actually been really disappointing on the movie front. I had grand plans to finally watch "The Breakfast Club" or "Oranges and Sunshine" or "One Day" or any of the Oscar nominees.

I didn't do that.

I did hire out Love and Other Drugs, and Apollo 18 (on my father's request).

50% of them were ok.

Of the 50%, ... well, it was a bit smeh.

Apollo 18 

I just didn't really get this movie. It seemed to be based on this idea that (SPOILER ALERT - POSSIBLY? Can I really "spoil" a terrible movie?) the US govt deliberately sent people to the moon despite knowing that there was some freaky stuff going on up there.

There is no soundtrack, the camerawork is of a "handicam"/surveillance camera kinda style, the characters aren't really developed, and there just... doesn't seem to be a plot. Maybe I'm just not a big enough fan of conspiracy theories.

Love and Other Drugs
So far as rom-coms, this was nice-ish. But still, a bit of a nothing movie. Although I am a massive Anne Hathaway fan and did really love the way she portrayed Maggie, the other guy annoyed me *so* much. It just felt like a fast movie that simultaneously tried to do too much and yet, achieved so little in terms of plot and character development. But it was a nice, brainless way to spend a few hours, and it did make me research Parkinson's disease, so it wasn't a complete waste. 

But I promise (myself) (again), that I'm actually going to go and watch a good movie next month. Maybe "The Artist" - I'm really intrigued by the idea of a modern silent movie. 

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